Shao Yao Gan Cao Tang 芍藥甘草湯
Sheng Foong
Peony & Licorice Combination (harmonizing and releasing formula)
Effects: enriching yin and harmonizing the middle; relieving pain and convulsions.
Indications: pain due to disharmony in the abdomen; spasm and pain of the limbs; fever and abdominal pain in children; urinary stoppage; stomach convulsion and hypertonicity of abdominal skin not loose when pressure is applied.
Clinical Reference: This formula is often used in treating gastrocnemius spasm; contracture of the lumbus, back, knee and feet; spasm and pain of the nerves due to febrile diseases; sciatica; lumbago; frozen shoulder; intestinal colic; pain due to gallstone; especially useful in infantile abdominal pain.