Si Ni Tang 四逆湯
Sheng Foong
Aconite Ginger & Licorice (cold-dispelling formula)
EFFECTS: effusing the exterior and dissipating cold; warm the middle and checking diarrhea.
INDICATION: cold damage to three yin; generalized/abdominal pain; clear-food diarrhea; aversion to cold without thirst, reversal cold of the extremities, or no aversion to cold; reddened complexion and agitation; interior cold with exterior heat; dry retching; sore throat; sunken faint pulse.
CLINICAL REFERENCE: This formula is often used in treating excess/inappropriate promoting sweating; diarrhea; dyspepsia; vomiting and diarrhea due to cholera; food poisoning; heart failure due to excess loss of blood due to trauma, operation, or labor; reversal cold of the extremities; failure of metabolism with sunken faint pulse. It is used to stimulate nerves.
For abdominal pain due to blood deficiency, couple with Tangkuei Four Combination(Si Wu Tang). For generalized pain due to qi deficiency, couple with , couple with Major Four Herb Combination (Si Jun Zi Tang) . For clear-food diarrhea, couple with Ginseng & Ginger Combination(Li Zhong Tang).