Li Zhong Tang 理中湯
Sheng Foong
Ginseng & Ginger Combination (cold-dispelling formula)
EFFECTIS: warming the middle to dispel cold; tonifying qi and fortifying the spleen.
INDICATION: spleen-stomach deficiency cold; pain in the stomach duct and abdomen; watery diarrhea; vomitting without thirst; abdominal fullness and reduced food intake; pale tongue with white fur; sunken pulse or slow moderate pulse; loss of blood due to yang deficiency; chronic infantile convulsion, frequent spitting of drool and foam after illness ; chest impediment, induced by deficiency cold in the middle enerqizer.
CLINICAL REFERENCE: This formula is often used in treating chronic gastritis; gastroduodenal ulcer; gastric neurosis; neurotic vomiting; pyloric spasm; chronic enteritis; colitis; infantile autointoxication. For female deficiency cold, couple with Tangkuei Four Combination(Si Wu Tang). For deficiency cold due to weak body, couple with Major Four Herb Combination(Si Jun Zi Tang). For deficiency cold due to diet, couple with Magnolia & Hoe/en Combination(Wei Ling Tang).