Gan Lu Yin 甘露飲
Sheng Foong
Sweet Combination (dryness-moistening formula)
Effects: enriching yin and clearing heat; harmonizing the blood and detoxifying.
Indications: dampness-heat in the stomach; gumboil with the outflow of blood and pus; painful swelling bloodshot eyes; hungry but poor appetite due to vexation; aphtha and sore throat; spleen and stomach affected by dampness; inside heat stasis; drunken and stuffed then intemperance in sexual activity; jaundice due to mutual contention of dampness and heat; unsurfaced fever; oppression in the chest; shortness of breath; constipation and dysuria.
Clinical Reference: This formula is often used in treating acute/chronic pharyngitis; chronic tonsillitis; stomatitis; oral ulcers; gingivitis; gumboil; scurvy; conjuctivitis; jaundice; hematemesis; hematochezia ; constipation and yellow urine. For jaundice, couple with Capillaris Combination ( Yin Chen Hao Tang). For aphtha and tongue sore, couple with Coptis & Scute Combination (Huang Lian Jie Du Tang)