Si Wu Tang 四物湯
Sheng Foong
Tangkuei Four Formula (tonifying and replenishing formula)
EFFECTS: tonifying blood and nourishing blood; harmonizing the blood and regulating menstruation
INDICATION: all blood deficiency and dryness; menstrual disease _ lt is used in tonifying/regulating blood and treating white vaginal discharge, and prepartum/postpartum symptoms, such as amenorrhea, flooding and spotting, dizziness and palpitations due to blood deficiency; pale tongue with fine pulse_
CLINICAL REFERENCE: This formula is often used in treating all blood disease, such as menstrual irregularities , dysfunctional uterine bleeding, endometriosis; infertility; mastitis; every kind of anemia; coronary heart disease; angina pectoris; neurotic headache of the blood vessels; dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system; dry dermatopathy and senile itching of unknown causes