Shen Ling Bai Zhu San 參苓白朮散
Sheng Foong
Ginseng & Atractylodes Formula (tonifying and replenishing formula)
EFFECTS: fortifying the spleen and the stomach; eliminating dampness and resolving stagnation.
INDICATION: spleen-stomach weakness; no food intake; vomiting; diarrhea; sloppy stool; lack of strength in the limbs; emaciation; oppression and distention in the chest and stomach duct; sallow complexion; white fur; vacuous-moderate pulse.
CLINICAL REFERENCE: This formula is often used in treating chronic gastroenteritis; chronic diarrhea; diarrhea two to three times a day whenever taking food; abdominal distention ; borborygmus; indigestion; gastroptosis; inappetence after illness; white vaginal discharge; flooding and spotting; diabetes mellitus; infantile dyspepsia; poor development .Nourishing qi, arousing the spirit and fortifying the spleen with frequent use. For vomiting and diarrhea with rheum accumulation , couple with Magnolia & Ginger Formula(Ping Wei San); For chronic vacuity diarrhea, couple with Ginseng & Astraqalus Combination(Bu Zhong Yi Qi Tang)