Si Ni San 四逆散
Sheng Foong
Bupleurum & Chih-shih Formula (harmonizing and releasing formula)
EFFECTS: soothing the liver and regulating the spleen; harmonizing the nutrient and releasing depression _
INDICATION: lesser yin disease- reversal cold of the extremities to the elbows/knees; the patient may cough, or having palpitations, or inhibited urination, or abdominal pain, or diarrhea with rectal heaviness_
ATTENTION: do not use for patients with kidney blood deficiency, or cold syncope
due to yang deficiency.
CLINICAL REFERENCE: This formula is often used in treating hypertension, gastroenteric neurosis, liver qi depression, liver-spleen disharmony pattern/syndrome, cholecystitis, gallbladder stone, chronic enteritis, and menopausal syndrome due to liver qi depression_ It can invigorate the stomach to relieve pain, and relieve abdominal pain and diarrhea with rectal heaviness in the digestive system