Ba Zhen Tang 八珍湯
Sheng Foong
TANGKUEI & GINSENG EIGHT COMBINATION (tonifying and replenishing formula)
Radix angelicae sinensis
Rx rehmanniae conquitae
Fructus jujubae
Rhizome cnidium
Radix et rhizome ginseng
Glycyrrhizae prep
Radix paeoniae alba
Rhizoma atractylodes
Rhizoma zingiberis
Effects: Tonifying qi and replenishing blood; harmonizing the nutrient and defense
Indications: Dual deficiency of qi and blood; yin deficiency with internal heat; spleen-stomach deficiency; pale complexion; dizziness; limb lassitude; palpitation and fearful throbbing; reduced appetite; thin muscle; flooding and spotting during pregnancy; pale tongue and fur; fine vacuous pulse
Clinical Reference: This formula is often used in treating anemia, weak body, female lumbago, menstrual irregularities, postpartum loss of excessive blood, habitual abortion, prepartum/postpartum nourishment